Renew your Alberta registration online from the comfort of your own home. Click the link below and indicate Mulligan Registries Inc. as your agent of record. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
The Government of Alberta has stopped the mail out of Drivers' Licence / Registration reminders.
Click below and sign up to get reminded by text or email.
Are you ready to take your driver's exam? You can book at Mulligan Registries or be directed to the Alberta Road Test Scheduler by clicking the book your test button below.
If you're buying a used vehicle in Alberta you will need to know if there are any liens on it. Come down to Mulligan Registries or click the button below to perform the search now.
Find out the directors, shareholders and address of any corporation in Alberta.
Click the Go button below.
Part of obtaining all Alberta driver's licences is passing a written exam. Start studying by clicking the button below.
Are you paying too much for insurance?
Are you confident you have the proper coverage?
We can help